Whatever I think about at the time of writing inside this thing. ZEPPLIN RULES!!
No- Seriously, what kind of guy uses sub titles?
Published on July 12, 2005 By Firetail In Entertainment
I would just like to ask the world...

(Get ready for some deep psychological thinking)

Why do we watch so much TV- Most of it is seriously CRAP
- But we watch it regardless.

"Talk shows" Should go burn in hell.
"Soaps" Should get a bath. (see what I did there (the colon hyphon bracket thing sucks as well)

But seriously people, If you want to watch someone elses problems, we should find] someone we know
and help them.

Now, I may not be the most Interesting person, but at least I use Head and Shoulders, The anti dandruff Shampoo!

You can go now

on Jul 12, 2005
You hit very near to the whole underlying point as to what TV really means. But let me take it further. When television was in its infancy, the world was transfixed with the idea of watching news happen visually. No longer did the family have to settle around the radio for it's news updates and entertainment. Now they all sat around a television for their news updates and entertainment. Sometimes the two get mixed up with each other as well. We need only look to any Star Wars movie release to see that. I actually hear and/or see Star Wars and anything to do with it being telecast as a front page headline. That trend has been going on for a long time now. Television now is nothing more than a mental diversion from reality designed to create apathy and disencouragement among its viewers. The planners of overall policy in North America have come to rely on it in order for them to retain not only control over necessary (to the powers that be) unpleasant actions they must commit to keep that control, but also for the safety hedge it provides, and by that I mean while some news organizations will be informing the public about some pretty horrible and often illegal actions and events which don't directly pertain to a people in particular, the option to change the channel to Oprah or the loathsome Dr. Phil for some mental torture designed and portrayed as real life when in fact it's all entertainment. I never get fooled by things which are packaged as something else. If someone truly cares about helping someone, and it they want serious minded people to take them seriously on that, the last thing they would do is set up bright lights and tell abused women for a million dollars and hour that they don't have to take the abuse and that they can walk away. Or that the pain of losing a loved one stays with you forever so it's important to deal with it. Shows like that make a total mockery of the real doctors who don't go on tv as entertainment.
on Jul 12, 2005

Are you saying

TV Serves no purposes for humans


All / Most TV programs Suck?

on Jul 12, 2005
I am saying it has turned into nothing more than a form of entertainment. Take the reality show craze taking over the airwaves. Do you want to be a hilton? Or an apprentice? If you like sex and animal genetalia then how about wathcing someone who can swallow a deer penis in under five minutes. Meanwhile someone got shot and dying needlessly.<---I know this is an overdramatization of my point but it's not far off from the total truth. As for serving a purpose for humans, I would have to say that thousands of generations of people have existed, meaning have been born and have lived and then had died, without a television set. Granted with more people on the planet the need is truly there for the concept of tv, but where does the deer penis come into play? It comes from the degradation of social values and it's reflected in the media content on any given night.
on Jul 13, 2005
I am merely saying that most TV sucks, and its these programs that serve no use, no entertainment value.
TV started with a good purpose, to get stories told throughout the world in full vision and sound, like the Theatre. The news is one TV program that is quite important.
But- things like, "Today on Opera, "My Uncle Slept with My pregnant daughter who is now addicted to heroin- Can I have my money now or at the end of the show?", WHAT IS THE APPEAL? In what facet of the human psyche do we want to watch this? This is a mockery of modern values and ethics.
People have come as slaves to the television- Even I sit watching for more then an hour a day.

Entertainment is a good thing, we all love to watch a film or story every now and again, but why do we need the rest?

(That was a lot more serious)